See also my Google Scholar profile. Supervised undergraduate students, PhD students, and postdocs are underlined.
In review
Dai, Y., P. Hitchcock, A. H. Butler, C. I. Garfinkel, W. J. M. Seviour. Assessing stratospheric contributions to subseasonal predictions of precipitation after the 2018 SSW from SNAPSI
Kent, C., A. A. Scaife, W. J. M. Seviour, N. Dunstone, D. Smith, S. Ineson. Transition of El Niño to La Niña can be driven by regional perturbations a year ahead
Hughes, S. W. J. M. Seviour. Recent progress in understanding Mars’ unusual annular polar vortices
Li, S., W. Liu, L. Zhang, W. J. M. Seviour, G. A. Schmidt. Stratospheric ozone depletion causes Southern Ocean surface cooling
Shultis, J., W. J. M. Seviour, D. W. Waugh, A. D. Toigo. Transport and Mixing in Planetary Polar Vortices
Lewis, N. T., M. R. England, J. A. Screen , R. Geen, R. Mudhar, W. J. M. Seviour, S. I. Thomson. Assessing the Spurious Impacts of Ice-Constraining Methods on the Climate Response to Sea-ice Loss using an Idealised Aquaplanet GCM J. Climate, 37, 6729-6750, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-24-0153.1. [pdf] [preprint]
Mudhar, R., W. J. M. Seviour, J. A. Screen, R. Geen, N. T. Lewis, S. I. Thomson. Exploring mechanisms for model-dependency of the stratospheric response to Arctic warming, J. Geophys. Res., 129, e2023JD040416. doi:10.1029/2023JD040416. [pdf]
Lewis, N. T., W. J. M. Seviour, H. E. Roberts-Straw, J. A. Screen (2024). The Response of Midlatitude Surface Temperature Persistence to Arctic Sea-Ice Loss, Geophys. Res. Lett., 51, e2023GL106863, doi:10.1029/2023GL106863. [pdf] [preprint]
Kent, C., A. A. Scaife, W. J. M. Seviour, N. Dunstone, D. Smith, K. Smout-Day (2023). Identifying perturbations that tip the stratosphere into a sudden warming, Geophys. Res. Lett., 50, e2023GL106288, doi:10.1029/2023GL106288. [pdf]
Geen, R., S. I Thomson, J. A. Screen, R. Blackport, N. T. Lewis, R. Mudhar, W. J. M. Seviour, G. K. Vallis (2023). An explanation for the metric dependence of the midlatitude jet-waviness change in response to polar warming, Geophys. Res. Lett., 50, e2023GL105132, doi:10.1029/2023GL105132. [pdf].
Ball, E. R., D. M. Mitchell, W. J. M. Seviour (2023). The importance of isentropic mixing in the formation of the Martian polar layered deposits, Planet. Sci. J., 4, doi:10.3847/PSJ/ad045d. [pdf].
Doger de Speville, C., W. J. M. Seviour, Y. T. E. Lo (2023). Predicting future UK nighttime urban heat islands using observed short-term variability and regional climate projections. Environ. Res. Lett., 18, 104044, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/acf94c. [pdf]
Hammond, M., N. Mayne, W. J. M. Seviour, N. T. Lewis, X. Tan, D. M. Mitchell (2023). Shallow-Water Modelling of Atmospheric Circulation Regimes of Brown Dwarfs and their Observable Features. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 525, 150–163, doi:10.1093/mnras/stad2265. [pdf]
Hall, R. J., D. M. Mitchell, W. J. M. Seviour, and C. J. Wright (2023). Surface hazards in north-west Europe following sudden stratospheric warming events, Environ. Res. Lett., 18, 064002, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/acd0c3. [pdf]
Seviour, W. J. M., (2022), Good ozone, bad ozone and the Southern Ocean, Nature Climate Change, 12, 316–317. doi:10.1038/s41558-022-01322-8
Hall, R. J., D. M. Mitchell, W. J. M. Seviour, and C. J. Wright (2022). How well are Sudden Stratospheric Warming surface impacts captured in in CMIP6 climate models?, J. Geophys. Res., 127, e2021JD035725. doi:10.1029/2021JD035725.[pdf]. Editor’s highlight
Thomas, J., E. Stone, D. Mitchell, W. Seviour, C. Barnes, H. Bloomfield, J. Crook, H. Jones, and C. MacLeod (2022). Organising a collaborative online hackathon for cutting-edge climate research, Weather, 77, 221-226. doi:10.1002/wea.4199.[pdf]
Wright, C. J., R. J. Hall, T. M. Banyard, N. P. Hindley, D. M. Mitchell, and W. J. M. Seviour (2021). Dynamical and Surface Impacts of the January 2021 Sudden Stratospheric Warming in Novel Aelous Wind Observations, MLS, and ERA5. Weather and Climate Dynamics, 2, 1283-1301. doi:10.5194/wcd-2021-16. [pdf]
Polvani, L. M., A. Banerjee, R. Chemke, E. W. Doddridge, D. Ferreira, A. Gnanadesikan, Y. Kostov, J. Marshall, W. J. M. Seviour, S. Solomon, and D. W. Waugh (2021). Interannual SAM modulation of Antarctic sea ice extent does not account for its long-term trends: Implications for the role of ozone depletion., Geophys. Res. Lett., 48, e2021GL094871, doi:10.1029/2021GL094871. [pdf]
Mitchell, D. M., R. K. Scott, W. J. M. Seviour, S. I. Thomson, D. W. Waugh, N. A. Teanby and Ball, E. (2021). Polar vortices in planetary atmospheres, Reviews of Geophysics, 59, e2020RG000723. doi:10.1029/2020RG000723. [pdf]
Ball, E. R., D. M. Mitchell, W. J. M. Seviour, S. I. Thomson, G. K. Vallis (2021). The roles of latent heating and dust in the structure and variability of the northern Martian polar vortex, The Planetary Science Journal, 203, doi:10.3847/psj/ac1ba2. [pdf]
Hall, R. J., D. M. Mitchell, W. J. M. Seviour, and C. J. Wright (2021). Persistent model biases in the CMIP6 representation of stratospheric polar vortex variability, J. Geophys Res., 126, e2021JD034759. doi:10.1029/2021JD034759. [pdf].
Hall, R. J., D. M. Mitchell, W. J. M. Seviour, and C. J. Wright (2021). Tracking the stratosphere-to-surface impact of Sudden Stratospheric Warmings, J. Geophys. Res., 126, e2020JD033881. doi:10.1029/2020JD033881 [pdf].
Sharkey, J., N. A. Teanby, M. Sylvestre, D. M. Mitchell, W. J. M. Seviour, C. A. Nixon, P. G. J. Irwin (2021). Potential vorticity structure of Titan’s polar vortices from Cassini CIRS observations, Icarus, 354, 114030. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2020.114030 [pdf].
Walker, E., D. M. Mitchell, and W. J. M. Seviour (2020). The numerous approaches to tracking extratropical cyclones and the challenges they present, Weather, 75, 336-341. doi:10.1002/wea.3861 [pdf].
Mitchell, D. M., Y. T. E. Lo, W. J. M. Seviour, L. Haimberger, and L. M. Polvani (2020). The vertical profile of recent tropical temperature trends: Persistent model biases in the context of internal variability, Environ. Res. Lett., in press. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ab9af7 [pdf].
Scott, R. K., W. J. M. Seviour, and D. W. Waugh (2020). Forcing of the Martian polar annulus by Hadley cell transport and latent heating, Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 146, 2174-2190. doi:10.1002/qj.3786 [pdf].
Sharkey, J., N. A. Teanby, M. Sylvestre, D. M. Mitchell, W. J. M. Seviour, C. A. Nixon, P. G. J. Irwin (2020). Mapping the Zonal Structure of Titan’s Northern Polar Vortex, Icarus, 337, 113441. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2019.113441 [pdf].
- Seviour, W. J. M., F. Codron, E. W. Doddridge, D. Ferreira, A. Gnanadesikan, M. Kelley, Y. Kostov, J. Marshall, L. M. Polvani, J. L. Thomas, D. W. Waugh (2019). The Southern Ocean sea surface temperature response to ozone depletion: A multi-model comparison, J. Climate, 32, 5107-5121. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0109.1 [pdf].
Waugh, D. W, K. M. Grise, W. J. M. Seviour, S. M. Davis, N. Davis, O. Adam, S.-W. Son, I. R. Simpson, P. W. Staten, A. C. Maycock, C. C. Ummenhofer, T. Birner, and A. Ming (2018). Revisiting the Relationship among Metrics of Tropical Expansion, J. Climate, 31, 7565-7581. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0108.1 [pdf].
Seviour, W. J. M., S. M. Davis, K. M. Grise, and D. W. Waugh (2018). Large uncertainty in the relative rates of dynamical and hydrological tropical expansion, Geophys. Res. Lett, 45, 1106-1113. doi:10.1002/2017GL076335 [pdf].
Gnanadesikan, A. A., A. A. Scott, M.-A. Pradal, W. J. M. Seviour, and D. W. Waugh (2017). Regional responses to black carbon aerosols: The importance of air-sea interaction, J. Geophys. Res., 122, 12982-12999. doi:10.1002/2017JD027589 [pdf]
Seviour, W. J. M. (2017). Weakening and shift of the Arctic stratospheric polar vortex: Internal variability or forced response?, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, doi:10.1002/2017GL073071 [pdf]
Seviour, W. J. M., D. W. Waugh, and R. K. Scott (2017). The Stability of Mars’ Annular Polar Vortex, J. Atmos. Sci., 74, 1533-1547. doi:10.1175/JAS-D-16-0293.1 [pdf]
Seviour, W. J. M., D. W. Waugh, L. M. Polvani, G. J. P. Correa, and C. I. Garfinkel (2017) Robustness of the simulated tropospheric response to ozone depletion, J. Climate, 30, 2577-2585. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0817.1 [pdf]
Seviour, W. J. M., A. Gnanadesikan, D. W. Waugh, and M.-A. Pradal (2017). Transient response of the Southern Ocean to changing ozone: Regional responses and physical mechanisms, J. Climate, 30, 2463-2480. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0474.1 [pdf]
Seviour, W. J. M., A. Gnanadesikan, and D. W. Waugh (2016). The Transient Response of the Southern Ocean to Stratospheric Ozone Depletion, J. Climate, 29, 7383-7396. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0198.1 [pdf]
Seviour, W. J. M., L. J. Gray, and D. M. Mitchell (2016). Stratospheric polar vortex splits and displacements in the high-top CMIP5 climate models, J. Geophys. Res., 121, doi:10.1002/2015JD024178 [pdf]
Seviour, W. J. M., S. C. Hardiman, L. J. Gray, N. Butchart, C. MacLachlan and A. A. Scaife (2014). Skillful seasonal prediction of the Southern Annular Mode and Antarctic Ozone, J. Climate, 27, 7462-7474. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00264.1 [pdf]
Seviour, W. J. M., D. M. Mitchell, and L. J. Gray (2013), A practical method to identify displaced and split stratospheric polar vortex events, Geophys. Res. Lett., 40, 5268-5273. doi:10.1002/grl.50927 [pdf]
Seviour, W. J. M., N. Butchart and S. C. Hardiman (2012), The Brewer-Dobson circulation inferred from ERA-Interim, Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 138: 878-888. doi:10.1002/qj.966 [pdf]
Other publications
Contributing author of the World Meteorological Organization, Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion, (Chapter 5: Stratospheric ozone changes and climate), 2022.
Contributor to World Meteorological Organization, Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion, Chapter 5: Stratospheric ozone changes and climate), 2018.
Seviour, W. J. M., (2014), Variability of the polar stratosphere and its influence on surface weather and climate, D.Phil. Thesis [pdf]
Contributor to World Meteorological Organization, Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion, Chapter 2: Update on Global Ozone: Past, Present, and Future, 2014.
Butler, A. H., E. P. Gerber, D. M. Mitchell and W. J. M. Seviour (2014), New Efforts to Update the Standard Definition of Sudden Stratospheric Warmings, SPARC Newsletter, SPARC Newsletter No. 43, July 2014. [pdf]
Orbe, C. H. Garny and W. J. M. Seviour (2013), SPARC Workshop on the Brewer-Dobson Circulation, 25-29 June 2012, Grindelwald, Switzerland, SPARC Newsletter No. 40, January 2013. [pdf]